AH-64 Apache Multi-mission Attack Helicopter

AH-64 Apache Multi-mission Attack Helicopter
AH-64 Apache Multi-mission Attack Helicopter
AH-64A Apache is the Army's primary attack helicopter. it's a quick-reacting, airborne weapon system that can fight close and deep to destroy, disrupt, or delay enemy forces. The Apache has been designed to action and survive throughout the day, night, and in all weather throughout the planet. The Apache mission is the destruction of high-value targets with the HELLFIRE missile, primarily hostile armor.

The AH-64 Apache is a twin-engine, four bladed, multi-mission attack helicopter designed as a highly stable aerial weapons-delivery platform. It can backpack up to 16 HELLFIRE (Helicopter-Launched, Laser-guided, fire and Forget) laser guided missiles. With array of over 8000 meters, the HELLFIRE is employed primarily for the destruction of tanks, armored vehicles and different exhausting materiel targets.

The Apache also can bear a most of 76, 70mm/2.75" wrap-around fin aerial rockets (WAFAR) to be used against enemy personnel, light armor vehicles and different soft-skinned targets. Rounding out the Apache's deadly punch are 1,200 rounds of ammunition for its space Weapons System (AWS), that includes the M230 30mm Automatic Gun.